Is there any wall of your home which needs a boost of energy? Yes, then throw some colours and make it alive again.
Let’s think about your favourite restaurant interiors with an eye-catching wall painting or your friends house with any wall art or paintings. You can take numerous examples from the outside world to explore how these artworks can enrich any space in your home. They can influence your mood, energy and can motivate to chase your goals and dreams. It is a wonderful way to depect your inner thoughts and inspirations in the form of an art at your favourite place.
Back in 2017, when I moved to Chandigarh from Amritsar after completing my graduation, I created by first wall painting on a white washed wall surface. I found this new place full of energy and a wonderful opportunity to explore my artistic side. Before I moved to this place, i had never focused on this aspect due to my study but this place had some sort of energy and positivity which helped me to develop my artistic personality along with my architecture profession. This artwork was a wonderful experience for me, I still feel connected with that place as i left my impression there in the form of my artwork.
Now, I encourage you to explore your artistic side and pick up your brushes and your favourate colors. I will take you through a journey where you can read and learn the in-depth process of making a painting on a wall with a budget-friendly Step by Step Guide.
In this post, you will learn about how to set up a wall surface by planning your painting from scrath to final execution for a photo-realistic wall artwork and the tools required to do the same.
So, let’s start our first session with full enthusiam, energy and inspiration. Let’s create on imprint at your favourite place by using that wall as a Canvas. Below are well elaborated as well as to the point steps to create your dream artwork.
1. Base- Setting Up the Wall Surface for Painting
Before you begin with your painting, it is very important to establish an appropriate wall surface for the painting and then preparing that surface properly for more fine painting. You need to keep the following things in your mind before you begin.
Non- Porous Surface: The Surface should be smooth, non-porous. It means it should not absorb too much water or any other medium. When a surface is porous it absorbs more paint and over a certain period of time it may develop flakes and starts to peel.
Primer: It is very important to apply primer on wall surface by using Primer or Acrylic Gesso. It will act as a barrier between the wall surface and painting. This will affect the overall quality and appearance of the painting.
Sanding and Cleaning: Sanding is done on the surface of a wall to make the surface smooth and clean so as to acquire a fine painting.
- Art Supplies
After preparing the surface and choosing your painting theme, you need to decide your ast supplies accordingly. It will depend upon the location of your painting that whether its an external wall surface exposed to sun, wind and rain or whether it is an internal wall surface.
Arcylic Paints vs. any other medium: Let’s talk about painting mediums available in the market. I recommend, acrylic paints over any other medium as they have all the qualities we need for a long lasting painting on a wall. You can also use markers to define the painting edges. Let’s discuss few pros and cons of using Acrylic Paints:
Pros: Affordable, more durable, easy to use (water soluble), less Toxic, dry fast, flexible and easy to blend.
Cons: Poor quality acrylics may fade/ look dull with time. As they dry fast, you need to work very quickly. If more layers are applied it may peel off.
- Art Brushes and Tools
Now, after choosing your
But you don’t need to buy all of them.
I recommend you to buy the following Brushes:
Round Brush – No. 1
Round Brush – No. 8
Flat Brush – No. 1 (for fine details)
Flat Brush – No. 6
Flat Brush -No. 12 (For underpainting or where you need to paint a larger area).
(I use mostly Faber Castell brushes as they are long lasting and give results as well)
I will discuss with you a step by step demonstration of how to make wall art in the upcoming post.
Till then stay tuned!!!!